Voter Apathy????

What’s happening?

The percentage of people voting is going down every 4 years for Canada. The lowest year so far was 2008. In 2011 we had a slight increase.

voter turnout

Ages 18-24 are the smallest group that votes. Only 38.8% of this age group votes. However, ages 65-74 are 75.1%. People 75 and over are 60.3%. Between men and women, statistics show that women participate more.

voter turnout 2

Why is this?

I think this is because:

  • Young people (18-24) are more busier than ever
  • People know less about politics
  • People 65-74 and over are worried more about their security, health, and financial state for when they retire and want to vote
  • People don’t have time to research their parties platforms

Why is this important?

This is important because people need to choose their representatives for Canada. Also there are a lot of important issues that need to be decided on like our health and environment.

This is why I am writing this blog. So everyone learn about your parties and go vote on October 19th! Convince your parents to if you are not eligible to vote yet.

I would love to hear your thoughts on why you are or are not voting – comment below!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Neeraj Goel (Chacha) says:

    Hi Omi, I think this is a very important topic, and I look forward to reading your thoughts over the election period. I think I have almost decided who I’m voting for. Maybe we can talk about it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mike Windrim says:

    This IS a huge issue Omi. Harper gained control of Canada with far less than a true majority of voters because so many people did not vote but so many conservatives did vote. That must change for this election. There are far too many issues which must be addressed and they are mostly related to conservative cheating. Frankly I would like to see Harper charger with treason. And yes – I have voted. Yup. Just went in yesterday to the Elections Canada office and did my duty as a Canadian citizen. Good on you for blogging about these issues and for actually having an interest. It is going to be people like you who save this country. Keep up the good work. I mean it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. omiyagoel says:

      Thank you so much Mr. Windrim! I am so glad that you voted and how do you think I can get more people involved in this election?


  3. Ratan Goel says:

    Good work Omiya. Lot of information to grasp about different parties platform. I have much work cut out for me before election day. I see myself the person on the right hand side.


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